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Answering Jihad: A Better Way Forward (English Edition) - de Nabeel Qureshi (Author)

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Le Titre Du FichierAnswering Jihad: A Better Way Forward (English Edition)
Publié Le
TraducteurTiya Kaidence
Numéro de Pages209 Pages
Taille du fichier63.70 MB
Langue du LivreAnglais & Français
ÉditeurCasemate Publishers
Format de E-BookPDF ePub AMZ CCF XML
ÉcrivainNabeel Qureshi
Nom de FichierAnswering-Jihad-A-Better-Way-Forward-(English-Edition).pdf

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Why is there such a surge of Islamist terrorism in the world today and how are we to respondIn Answering Jihad bestsellingauthor Nabeel Qureshi Seeking Allah Finding Jesus answers these questions from the perspective of a former Muslim who is deeply concerned for both his Muslim family and his American homeland

In Answering Jihad bestselling author Nabeel Qureshi Seeking Allah Finding Jesus answers these questions from the perspective of a former Muslim who is deeply concerned for both his Muslim family and his American homeland

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Nabeel Qureshi expose son point de vue dans son dernier livre « Answering Jihad A Better Way Forward » Il a écrit ce livre pour donner aux occidentaux des clés de compréhension de ce qu’est l’islam et de ce que sont les musulmans

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